The Minister for Children and Youth Affairs has just released the announcement of a new Early Years and School Age Childcare Capital programme for 2018. The programme will be made up of five different strands covering different types of funding.
The five strands are as follows:
Strand 1: Expansion of an existing facility or creation of a new facility (Early Years) -
Strand 2: Essential building maintenance (Early Years, community services only) -
Strand 3: Creation of new natural outdoor play area (Early Years) -
Strand 4: The expansion of an existing facility or creation of a new facility (School Age Childcare) -
Strand 5: Essential building maintenance & quality improvement (School Age Childcare, community services only)
Essential Notes for You
There are a couple of essential points to note before applying. We've gathered them here for you:
Services can apply for all strands for which they are eligible. Meaning you can apply for all the strands that are relevant to you.
The Department of Youth and Child Affairs (DYCA) has said the two schemes, both Early Years and School Age will run at the same time. The scheme is aiming to accept applications in early 2018. There is a focus on having the funding allocated before the summer months.
You will need a vaild DYCA number.
The DYCA reference number you have has to be related to the facility (school, creche, montessori) where the grant will be used and reported.
If you are thinking of moving to a new address or thinking of opening a facility you have to get a new DYCA reference number before the opening of the capital applications.
If you have multiple facilites each facilty must have it's own DYCA number.
Unsure on how to get a DYCA Number?
Early Years facilities should get in touch with your local City or County Childcare Committee who can give you support and advice on how to get your DYCA Number.
Early Years Services are required to be registered with Tusla, you can also ask your local City or County Childcare Committee to help you with this.
Note: If you are a new Early Years facility the DYCA can give you a reference number before your fit-for-purpose Tusla check.
School Age Childcare Services only have to be registered with the DYCA. If you are unsure of how to do this check with your local City or County Childcare Committee.
Click here for a full list of Childcare Committees.
You can read the full press release here.
Further information is expected to be released this month and EASE will keep you up to date.
If you would like to get started on getting a quote together you can use our simple quote system: