Sitting at home one day my son said to me, ‘bye mammy I am going to work then to the shop do you want anything?’. He was mimicking our daily routine.’ Yes’, I responded ‘milk and bread please’. He hopped on hisbalance bike and disappeared out the hall. He came back carrying two action figures, one was the bread and one was the milk. Children learn by doing and like a sponge they absorb every aspect of their daily routine. Mundane tasks become ideal role play topics. Encourage your child to re- live and re-create their day with these useful tips:
Dolls are brilliant for any child regardless of gender or age. Dolls teach compassion and they also allow children to practice how they see adult interactions. They will feed, change and encourage their peers to be gentle with the baby and not to drop the baby. The phrases they hear from their elders will be parroted as they demonstrate their learned behaviour. -
Dolls houses, fire stations, theatres, and garages are ideal for enabling your child to engage with and enjoy pretend play. This type of play helps children to develop both socially and emotionally by learning and practicing how to interact with people. They begin to learn how to share and how to negotiate and learn to resolve conflicts that arise through play. There are many more ways to nurture the imagination and encourage your children to discover the world around them through play. You will find many more products to support pretend play at www.yum-ease.myshopify.com