When we look at role play and small world play, we can see clearly how interaction and play benefit children socially.
Interaction and role play help develop language and communication and build strong, healthy relationships. It gives children a safe place where they can act out what they have seen or experienced during their day and this in turn helps children to make sense of their encounters.
If I look at my son while he is playing I can hear him say things like ‘gentle with your sister’ or ‘no running’ He is parroting phrases he has heard and learning what context they fit in while unraveling their true meaning. It is important that we facilitate this and allow children explore play.
If you provide opportunities for re-creating social situations and making sense of previous experiences through imaginative play children can express their emotions after the interactions. You will get a rear glimpse into their thoughts and their feelings.
Through rich role play experiences, children can also strengthen their language foundations and begin to express themselves through language by experimenting with words and phrases they hear.
Providing detailed, realistic resources will allow children to re-create real life scenarios, build on these and make sense of them.
As children begin to become braver with their language, they may start to write letters, poems and even compose songs. Nothing needs to be correct the important thing is that they are using their imagination and creating something wonderful.
These contextual conversations can give rise to imaginative thinkers and future competent and creative writers.
Through imaginative play we are laying the foundations on which our children will stand!
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