Outdoor Art Ideas

By EASE Education on Thu, Jul 11, 19

Chalk Creations

If you give children chalk and even surfaces to experiment on you will be amazed at the beautiful artwork they will create. They can draw and even create new break time games on the ground for everyone to enjoy.

The beauty of chalk is that it washes away so there is no mess to clean up and you can spend all your time playing, colouring and creating.

Mirror painting

Place a large mirror on the ground and cover it with cling film. Children can use paints to paint pictures onto the cling film. Leave the paint to dry and carefully peal of the cling film. You will be left with a beautiful transparent picture and your mirror will be damage free.

You can either use one large mirror or several small mirrors depending on the size of the picture you want to create.

This mirror idea can also be used in an abstract way. Cover the mirror with cling film and allow children to throw paint at the mirror. This will make a beautiful design that will be truly unique and beautiful.

Working with mirrors allows children to see how paint and other substances move and how they change shape to form different structures.

Wheelie painters

Wheeled painters are perfect for large art projects outdoors. Allow children to trundle through paint and puddles creating new patterns and pictures on any surface. All you need to do is roll out a long sheet of paper, provide the paints and watch them go! There is so much creative fun to be had with our new wheelie painters.


Transform your playground by weaving colourful ribbon, glittering materials, threads or beads into giant frames. Weaving increases dexterity while also encouraging children to experiment with different materials. Your playground will come alive with their weaving masterpieces.

Children can also experiment with flowers and branches and weave them into their frames to create a completely unique playground.  

Top Tip: Weave herbs into the frames to create a truly sensory experience!

Outdoor Easels

Bring the indoors outdoors with our new outdoor easels. Encourage children to look around them and explore the wonders of nature by placing the easel outside and allowing them to draw what they see.

You will be amazed at the pictures they produce and what they see when children look at the world around.
